Jet Noise Modelling and Control

30 August — 1 September 2021, Poitiers France

Jet Noise Modelling and Control 2021

An in-person meeting of the vaccinated aeroacoustics community,
with the possibility of online participation

Despite seven decades of research, our understanding of turbulent jet noise remains incomplete. The sound generation/propagation problem in turbulent flows continues to generate controversy, due to the absence of a unified theoretical framework. Considerable progress has nonetheless been made in recent years, thanks to the close association of numerical simulation, experiment and theory, and which has guided identification and modelling of the noise-producing flow dynamics. Knowledge of these mechanisms is essential for the elaboration of control strategies for noise reduction.

Since the development of the high-bypass engine, which was underpinned by Lighthill's 8th power velocity law, few technical solutions based on new understanding have been forthcoming. The academic aeroacoustics community continues to be faced with the challenge of opening up new perspectives for noise reduction.

Is recent progress in understanding and modelling bringing nearer such perspectives?
Is a new breakthrough technology foreseeable in the near future?
The aim of the conference will be to gather the jet-noise community to discuss these issues. It will be an opportunity to assess current approaches to turbulent jet-noise modelling and flow-control attempts for noise-reduction.

Contributions are invited from researchers who study jet instability and jet noise in subsonic and supersonic conditions by numerical, experimental or theoretical means. Presentations on passive and active control strategies as well as on instability modelling are welcome. Industrial participation is strongly encouraged, as it is stressed that the motivation is to move closer to technological solutions for jet-noise reduction.

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